Microneedling Scottsdale

Minimize unsightly blemishes by stimulating the collagen of your skin.

Woman holding a microneedling device in her hands

Rejuvenate You is excited to offer microneedling in Scottsdale to our clients. With our experience and knowledge of microneedling, we are sure you will fall in love with your new, rejuvenated skin after the procedure.

If you are looking for an improved appearance to your skin to combat several skin concerns, microneedling may be a cosmetic procedure for you. 

For those looking for a safe place for microneedling in Scottsdale, AZ, schedule your microneedling session with Rejuvenate now. You will feel comfortable and confident during your microneedling session at our office. We offer microneedling sessions that are 100% safe and come with no downtime

You will be on your way to smoother, brighter, and younger-looking skin in no time! The skin you desire and deserve.

What is Microneedling?

Woman getting a microneedling treatment on her face

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure with little to no downtime. We use a device that houses several tiny, sterilized needles used to penetrate your skin, creating micro-injuries to your skin in a controlled manner. 

These micro-injuries help promote collagen production and growth factors as your skin works its natural wonders and heals itself. Afterward, your skin will have an improved texture, color, and tone that you will notice as you heal from your microneedling procedure.

Microneedling is primarily completed on the face, but it is available to treat other areas of the body where you may also have damaged or aging skin, such as your neck, chest, or hands.

Microneedling can be completed as a one-time procedure, but our clients typically choose to receive multiple treatments to obtain the optimal skin results they are looking to achieve from the procedure.

Microneedling is considered a safe treatment, but we will review your medical history and any prescription and topical medications to ensure you can proceed safely with your treatment.

What Does Microneedling Treat?

If you struggle with:

  • Any type of mild scars, including acne scarring

  • Skin discoloration, melasma, or an uneven skin tone

  • Fine lines and wrinkles (maturing skin)

  • Textural issues of the skin

  • Enlarged pores 

Microneedling treatment for your specific skin concern will vary from person to person, depending on your customized treatment plan. Microneedling can take multiple sessions to achieve the desired results.

The Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling works to help improve the appearance and texture of your skin by treating skin concerns such as scarring, discoloration, wrinkles causing your skin to work like it’s young again.   Microneedling also works to help your skin produce natural collagen during the healing process. It is a great way to have your skin rejuvenated and younger-looking with no downtime.

Unlike some other facial procedures available to you that use lights, lasers, or heat, microneedling does not come with a risk of skin coloration. The fact that microneedling does not have the risk of skin discoloration and is beneficial to those clients with a darker skin tone.

Microneedling is an excellent skin treatment with no downtime to help you achieve optimal results. Between the ease of the procedure and the quick healing time frame, you can easily fit your treatments into your busy lifestyle, all while letting your skin work its natural healing properties for you.

Before and after picture of a microneedling treatment
Young woman with clear skin

What To Expect

Schedule Your Visit Today

If you are looking for a place for microneedling, Scottsdale, AZ, is home to Rejuvenate You. Contact us today to start your microneedling journey! We are knowledgeable and ready to help you achieve the skin you desire. 

There is no better time to get started than booking your appointment with Rejuvenate You today!